The story of Moses is one of the most amazing stories of the scriptures and at the same time the story of one of the most powerful leaders that has set foot on this earth. This story shows how God sticks to His plan for our lives even when we do everything possible to sabotage it. God had a plan for Moses from the minute he was born; it’s incredible how God put him in the best schools of the country, under the most influential people and in the best position possible to learn on how to become the best leader possible so that he would lead his people out of bondage.

In his early years Moses was shown by his mother that He had been chosen by God to lead his people out of Egypt. As he attended the Egyptians universities to be trained to become the new Pharaoh he was really being taught to become the leader who would lead the Israelites back to Canaan after 300 years of bondage. God’s plan was working out just perfect. The time came for Moses to step out into the real world; he remembered who he was and what he was there to do.

As he walks out of the palace one day, he wanted to see what was going on out there with the people that he was supposed to save. As he was observing he saw an Egyptian physically hurting an Israelite. Though Moses had been to the best universities there are things that universities don’t teach and one of those is patience and how to wait on the God for the right moment to carry out his plan. All the knowledge in the world cannot take the place of a relationship with God through which His Holy Spirit guides us as we recognize His voice and His hand leading us. Moses let his emotions get the best of him, after all this is what God wanted him to do, he thought. Moses killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand. He acted out on his own, controlled by his own ego and emotions did as he wanted to, outside of God’s leadership and plan.

The plan didn’t work out; he had to run from Egypt. Acting out on our own without God just because we feel we are doing the right thing doesn’t work. His plan is His plan. His plan never becomes our plan; the minute it becomes our plan we have problems. Now the man who was living as the prince of Egypt finds himself running from Pharaoh in the middle of the desert of Median feeling as if this entire plan that God had for him was completely ruined. To him everything was over, God wanted nothing to do with him and he was finished. Many of us have felt that way or might be feeling that way now. As if we’re finished, we know we have stepped out of God’s plan for us and that now we are on our own.

Met a young woman one day, she was twenty tree years old. She told me her story how her parents has been good to her, sent her to the best schools, protected her the best way they could, loved her with all of their hearts. But at the age of 17 she became pregnant. Now she was twenty three trying to bring up a child of six all on her own. She felt as if her life was doomed, recognized that God did have a plan for her but that she messed it up so now she was on her own, what ever happened to her life now depended on her, she had to make up her own plan, it wasn’t God’s plan anymore. Moses didn’t do according to God’s plan for his life either, he actually stepped out of it but the most amazing thing about this story is that when Moses took another path God did not stay in the original path with His arms crossed and shaking His head waiting for Moses to come back to that original path that God set out for him or lamenting a doomed plan.

As Moses charged into that desert into a new life apart from God’s plan God was right next to him. You see God never gives up on His plan for us. He was right there with Moses working out a way to bring Moses back into His plan. Where ever we are in our life, even when we recognize that we have deviated from God’s plan God is right there with us, yes outside of His plan doing everything possible to bring us back, He doesn’t give up on us. God stayed out there with Moses in that desert for forty long years. Moses became a sheep herder, he thought that this was his new destiny but God’s destiny had not changed for Moses, though Moses had given up on himself God had not giving up on him.

After forty long years God tells Moses: “ok Moses let’s go back to Egypt and free your people according to the original plan.” Wow that is amazing, forty years later, once God sets His eyes on you for something He is consistent, we may do all kinds of things to sabotage that plan but He will stick with it to the end. Isn’t God amazing! No matter where you are in your life he will bring you back to His original plan if you let Him. Where ever you are in your life, whatever you’re doing, whoever you’re with, no matter the path you’ve taken He hasn’t given up on you; He is right next to you insisting on His original plan for you.

So forty years later this sheep herder comes back to Egypt and leads the greatest Exodus in History and brings down the greatest nation of his time. God opened up the opportunity forty years later and Moses stepped back into God’s plan. Now we recognize Moses as one of the greatest men who ever lived. Just imagine what God has in store for you. May God bless you and may this blog help you to not give up on yourself because God sure hasn’t.