
Discipleship Forum is a ministry of Origin Church established for the ongoing spiritual nourishment of anyone who is committed to being a disciple of Jesus Christ. We believe the invitation extended by Christ for His first disciples to follow Him has not changed over the years. Jesus still calls us to become His disciples today. Authentic acceptance of Jesus as Savior is manifested by becoming His disciples and loving others into doing the same.

In II Timothy 4:7, Paul describes the experience of the church and the individual Christian as a battle, saying; “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. But how can a battle be won with soldiers who have not been trained. We are committed to making disciples of Jesus who are equipped for daily Christian living and the work of ministry. Our mission is to help disciples of Christ to grow in His likeness and character through careful study of His teachings, parables, miracles, healing works and prophetic life events.

Member insights are posted following bi-weekly group discussions led by Pastor Juan Labrador. This website is a free resource. Register today to share your insights on our forum, receive meeting and new post notifications.

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