What is a disciple?

The word “disciple” literally means someone who pledges to be a “learner.” Moreover, it is someone who follows another’s teaching, and adheres to it. It is a commitment and a process to undertake the learning, and, as a Christian, a yearning to imitate Jesus! If this is not the goal in our lives then we have nothing to do with Christianity. The word disciple automatically involves an intimate relationship and a following of a person and in Christianity that person is Christ the founder.

A disciple is one who obeys Christ calling to follow Him and Commits himself to Christ’s way of life, teachings and mission. He is attached to Christ as the branch is to the vine, receives energy, strength and bears Christ like fruits.

What is discipleship?

Discipleship is the process through which a branch (disciple) who brings forth fruit turns the fruit into another branch (disciple) and attaches is to the Vine.

Discipleship is not just a calling it is a life style that constantly tells the world who we are and who our master is. It is a life style that makes the word of God real to our world right here right now. The process if discipleship never ends, we continue learning from our master Jesus until the day we meet Him face to face.

Disciples also teach others to become disciples. That’s why in the calling of Jesus to His disciples He told them that if they followed him He would make them fishers of men. A disciple multiplies himself. His life is so real, tangible, intentional and clear to our world today that it becomes easy to imitate and desirable to follow.

Why is discipleship relevant to today’s Church?

Discipleship is highly relevant to the church today for the following reasons:

a. The Witness Factor

i. The main reason why we today believe that the words of the New Testament are true is because the writers where witnesses of everything they wrote. So a disciple is the only true witness of Christ.

ii. Only one who has spent time with Jesus and has attached himself to Christ can represent Him correctly.

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. They realized that they had been with Jesus”. (Acts 4:13)

iii. The postmodern world today has heard it all and has noticed that knowledge of the word has not transformed people they see that though Christians may look different and in certain instances act different they are really the same; no true change has accord. Therefore our world today must be attracted to Christ by people who have been with him, experienced Him and His presence is truly revealed in their lives, in other words they must be confronted by true disciples and only by true disciples will they be attracted to Christianity.

b. The Multiplication Factor

i. Luke 6:40 reads: “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher”. Today’s method for the growth of the church is the addition method while discipleship is under the multiplication method. Which one do you think is faster? Christ wanted to return quickly so he picked a method that would cause that.

ii. If the church wants to reach the world today, quickly it must use the method of discipleship. If you compare the amount of people that are born daily and die daily and then compare them to amount of people converted to Christianity each day we would be convinced that addition doesn’t work but multiplication does.

c. The Mentoring Factor

i. Mentor: a trusted friend, counselor or teacher, usually a more experienced person. Some professions have “mentoring programs” in which newcomers are paired with more experienced people, who advise them and serve as examples as they advance. Hebrews 13:17 “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account…”

ii. Jesus did not just tell His disciples what to do or act he mentored them.

iii. The decision to become a Christian does not bring about change it just says that we are willing to change. Change happens in discipleship process.

iv. Now we can see why joining Church doesn’t change anyone. There is no follow up, no mentoring and mentoring is the method of Christ for true conversion.

v. The Billy Graham conversion style where thousands would go forward only works when discipleship or mentoring is continued. But those decisions for Christ have become an end to a means instead of the means to an end.

vi. New Christians must not just be taught how to live the life he must be shown mentoring takes a long time and it must be done one on one that why the church has stayed away from it because it takes time, effort and commitment.

vii. In the mentoring though one is more experienced than the other they both grow since teaching is the best way to grow in knowledge and experience.

1. Moses mentored Joshua
2. Elijah Mentored Elisha
3. Paul was mentored by Silas and Barnabas
4. Paul mentored Timothy

d. The Bonding Factor

i. Discipleship happens in small groups. Mentoring happens one on one. These two factors create a relationship of brothers and sisters. We in church call each brothers and sisters without even knowing who we are.

ii. The idea that salvation is a personal thing between you and God is not true. If it was Jesus would not have created the church. In fact Jesus said that loving one another would be the proof that we are his disciples.

iii. In fact last week we saw how the one another phrase is used in the New Testament. We saw that real ministering happens one Christian to another not one pastor to many.